E-commerce Elite | WEB SEO USA

E-commerce Elite

E-Commerce Website Design and Development
Customized Tailor-Made Design
Professional, Modern, Interactive, Dynamic, Unique Design
User-friendly Navigation
20 Banner Designs
Sliding Banner
20 Stock Photos
Unlimited Revisions
Special Hover Effects
Content/Inventory Management System
Mobile Responsive
Unlimited Products
Unlimited Categories
Product Reviews & Ratings
Product Summary Reports (Out of stock / Most Sold / Lowest sale etc) By Date
Multiple Filtrations Option
Multiple Shorting Options (Newest / Price / Alphabetical / Rating)
Product View with Multiple Views
Product Rating
Product Detail with Similar Product Range
Coupon Code Generation (by category and product)
Product Comparison
User Signup Area
User Sign-in Area
User Dashboard Area
Auto Email for Profile Validation & Notification(s)
Last Purchase Order Details (download invoice)
Customer Login / Registration via Social Login Facebook and Google+
Customer profile management (From Backend and Frontend)
Discounted Products Showcase
New Arrival Products Showcase
Discount Coupons
Easy Product Search Bar
Shopping Cart Integration
Payment Module Integration
Multiple Currency Integration
Direct Checkout
Sign up Checkout
Tax calculator Integration
Shipping calculator Integration
Import/Export Order
Bulk Import/export of Order information
Bulk Product Upload From Excel Sheet
Export order into excel sheet
Live Chat Integration
Search Engine Submission
SEO Friendly
Web Analytics Integration
Monthly Traffic Reporting
Social Media Pages Integration
Facebook Shop Setup
Facebook “Like” Plugin integration
Blog page (If Required)
Dedicated Team of Designers and Developers
Complete Deployment
– Value Added Services
Complete Source Files
Dedicated Project Manager
100% Ownership Rights
100% Satisfaction Guarantee
100% Money Back Guarantee

Categories: ,

E-Commerce Website Design and Development
Customized Tailor-Made Design
Professional, Modern, Interactive, Dynamic, Unique Design
User-friendly Navigation
20 Banner Designs
Sliding Banner
20 Stock Photos
Unlimited Revisions
Special Hover Effects
Content/Inventory Management System
Mobile Responsive
Unlimited Products
Unlimited Categories
Product Reviews & Ratings
Product Summary Reports (Out of stock / Most Sold / Lowest sale etc) By Date
Multiple Filtrations Option
Multiple Shorting Options (Newest / Price / Alphabetical / Rating)
Product View with Multiple Views
Product Rating
Product Detail with Similar Product Range
Coupon Code Generation (by category and product)
Product Comparison
User Signup Area
User Sign-in Area
User Dashboard Area
Auto Email for Profile Validation & Notification(s)
Last Purchase Order Details (download invoice)
Customer Login / Registration via Social Login Facebook and Google+
Customer profile management (From Backend and Frontend)
Discounted Products Showcase
New Arrival Products Showcase
Discount Coupons
Easy Product Search Bar
Shopping Cart Integration
Payment Module Integration
Multiple Currency Integration
Direct Checkout
Sign up Checkout
Tax calculator Integration
Shipping calculator Integration
Import/Export Order
Bulk Import/export of Order information
Bulk Product Upload From Excel Sheet
Export order into excel sheet
Live Chat Integration
Search Engine Submission
SEO Friendly
Web Analytics Integration
Monthly Traffic Reporting
Social Media Pages Integration
Facebook Shop Setup
Facebook “Like” Plugin integration
Blog page (If Required)
Dedicated Team of Designers and Developers
Complete Deployment
– Value Added Services
Complete Source Files
Dedicated Project Manager
100% Ownership Rights
100% Satisfaction Guarantee
100% Money Back Guarantee


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